Two things have just had me boiling all day and I think I am ready to get them off my chest.
First thing:
This one goes back a couple of days but after seeing a post on OT this morning it has brought everything back around. I have always been the type of person to live and let live. As long as people are doing whatever makes them happy and it doesn’t hurt anyone and it is consensual…do it! However, some things have happened over the past couple of months that irritate me but haven’t gotten me so boiled over. Well, the straw that broke the camel’s back started on Monday while I was watching Wife Swap. An interracial (I only mention this because you would think they would be a little more open minded) married couple would be swapping wives with an unmarried couple (they had been together 7 or 11 years…my memory isn’t too good with that). Well, as soon as the interracial couple started talking I knew it was going to be good.
The interracial couple was still living in the Stone Age as the woman catered to the man’s every little whimper. She even cuts his finger/toenails! That was fine with me because the woman was happy and why bother…right? Well, they switched homes and it wasn’t a matter of about a day until both people from the married family started harping on the unmarried couple to set a date. They were doing this during the swap and then again at the end when they all met.
WTF is wrong with these idiots that they think they know what is best for another couple? Why do people propose something because they KNOW what is best for someone else. The unmarried couple was living as they wanted to and had no problems with the way things were. LEAVE THEM THE FUCK ALONE!
Second thing:
I was watching CNN last night and Paula Zahn did about a 15 minute segment on Brokeback Mountain. She started the story and repeated after every commercial with, “Is America ready for a love story about cowboys?” Then, I get up this morning and see a post on OT from someone that said they didn’t really know how to respond after seeing a preview of the movie because it was about cowboys in love.
What does anyone mean by they didn’t know how to respond? Respond the same way had it been about a gay attorney and a gay accountant! Why is everyone concentrating on the cowboy part?
I would like for everyone that reads this freakin rant to meet my friends by their job title:
Sales Manager for the southeast (financial industry), Sales Manager (medical sales),
International Marketing Director (medical sales company), Accountant, Financial Advisor, School Teacher, Attorney, Web Designer and Diary Farmer
Those are my closest friends and by the way…THEY ARE GAY! It is a shame in 2005 that someone doesn’t know that gay people are in every walk of life.