Wednesday, December 14, 2005

My two rants

Two things have just had me boiling all day and I think I am ready to get them off my chest.


First thing:

This one goes back a couple of days but after seeing a post on OT this morning it has brought everything back around. I have always been the type of person to live and let live. As long as people are doing whatever makes them happy and it doesn’t hurt anyone and it is consensual…do it! However, some things have happened over the past couple of months that irritate me but haven’t gotten me so boiled over. Well, the straw that broke the camel’s back started on Monday while I was watching Wife Swap. An interracial (I only mention this because you would think they would be a little more open minded) married couple would be swapping wives with an unmarried couple (they had been together 7 or 11 years…my memory isn’t too good with that). Well, as soon as the interracial couple started talking I knew it was going to be good.

The interracial couple was still living in the Stone Age as the woman catered to the man’s every little whimper. She even cuts his finger/toenails! That was fine with me because the woman was happy and why bother…right? Well, they switched homes and it wasn’t a matter of about a day until both people from the married family started harping on the unmarried couple to set a date. They were doing this during the swap and then again at the end when they all met.

WTF is wrong with these idiots that they think they know what is best for another couple? Why do people propose something because they KNOW what is best for someone else. The unmarried couple was living as they wanted to and had no problems with the way things were. LEAVE THEM THE FUCK ALONE!

Second thing:

I was watching CNN last night and Paula Zahn did about a 15 minute segment on Brokeback Mountain. She started the story and repeated after every commercial with, “Is America ready for a love story about cowboys?” Then, I get up this morning and see a post on OT from someone that said they didn’t really know how to respond after seeing a preview of the movie because it was about cowboys in love.

What does anyone mean by they didn’t know how to respond? Respond the same way had it been about a gay attorney and a gay accountant! Why is everyone concentrating on the cowboy part?

I would like for everyone that reads this freakin rant to meet my friends by their job title:

Sales Manager for the southeast (financial industry), Sales Manager (medical sales),
International Marketing Director (medical sales company), Accountant, Financial Advisor, School Teacher, Attorney, Web Designer and Diary Farmer

Those are my closest friends and by the way…THEY ARE GAY! It is a shame in 2005 that someone doesn’t know that gay people are in every walk of life.



Blogger Sonya said...

Rant 1

I have been shackin' up and livin' in sin for about 4 years now. Everyone ask when we are getting married. It gets so old. Nothing is broke, why change it. I think that is a common prob today. People in a relationship have a problem and think getting married will fix it and end up in divorce. Why not be happy and do whatever it takes for the 2 in the relationship to be happy and everyone else needs to butt out.

Rant 2

I agree with you totally. I have roped (this is a cowboy thing) for many years and been the minority being a woman in the man's world of this. I hate to inform people, but there are actually different kind of rodeos. There are gay rodeos, all black rodeos and everyone welcome rodeos. To all of these people in the so called "cowboy" industry recognize each other cowboys as cowboys and doesn't label them. Of course, you always have your few idiots in every bunch.

Okay, sorry Vols. Didn't mean to vent and comment a novel.


4:29 PM

Blogger volsfan said...


I am glad you mentioned the gay rodeo thing as I meant to put in my blog. There is an International Gay Rodeo Association and the founder was on CNN last night.

4:40 PM

Blogger Sonya said...

It is great to go to if you have never been. Lots of hotties too! I like me some cowboys. I can't wait to see the movie. I don't care about people's sexual preference. I just want to see the hotties. I get hot and bothered just thinking about it. LOL!

4:44 PM

Blogger ukrocks said...

I saw Wife Swap and wondered the smae thing. they just wouldn't leave them alone. I liked the one with the two young boys better b/c the Mom knows she can do anything and she proved that!

5:24 PM

Blogger Aislinn Sirk said...

On Shacking up: People harping on marriage are idjuts. Mr Bob and I were together for 13 years before we got married and by then people just got tired of bugging us. Marriage does not make a relationship. People make a relationship.

On evil gay cowboys: Things are so much better than they were 10 years ago or 20 years ago. I keep telling myself that when I get caught up in stupidity.

Also, is it wrong that that movie looks hot?

5:37 PM

Blogger Sonya said...


I think it looks hot too!

5:41 PM

Blogger Zombs said...

But do they eat pudding?

Seriously that movie looks great. But if I may vent here this is what is bothering me about all the publicity surrounding this movie. I can't stand them talking about the actors and what a risk it is to do this movie. I have seen article where they keep mentioning how it is no longer a stigma for hetero actors to play a gay person. I am waiting for openly gay and straight actors to play both parts in mainstream movies.

Would this movie be so popular if it was two actors that are openly gay? Or would it be shuttled to indie houses and nothing mainstream.

Above all I look at this movie as a love story. I think it would be interesting if the next mainstream "date" movie comes out and the 2 romantic leads could at least be the same sex.

I mean would "The WEdding Planner" be any worse?

6:03 PM

Blogger volsfan said...


When the movie was in the planning stages I think it was going to be the art house type movie. But after all the hype and all the publicity it will be a nationwide release. (Based on what I have read)

I agree with you and I wish we could get to the point where it wasn't an issue about sexual orientation at all.

The thing that is really getting me about the publicity is the conservative spin. It sickens me but they always do!

6:35 PM

Blogger ~Nutz said...

*rolls eyes* @ the ignorance of some people.

I just can't tolerate a lot of crap on OT anymore. I try not to go there much lately.

I have been tired of people being intolerant for a very long time (in real life too, even before I came to meet all of you fabulous folks). My theory in life is, live and let live. What others do with their personal lives is no business of mine. If they are happy, more power to them!

{{{hugs}}} & *smooches*

7:15 PM

Blogger volsfan said...

Nutz, it is no surprise but we seem to be a lot alike on most these things.


7:37 PM

Blogger ~Nutz said...

Well, I think we are twins separated at birth! Either that or we were twins in a past life. *grins*

7:40 PM

Blogger volsfan said...

I agree! hehehehe

8:26 PM

Blogger mtw said...

Vols, I think you rock. You are very giving, friendly, and funny.

I would not go to a gay cowboy movie. Cowboy movies don't interest me. Movies where being gay is the prime topic don't interest me. I wouldn't go to a white, black, gay, straight, or all-female naked rodeo. Weel, maybe if SOnya was in it.

I want to go see Chronicles of Narnia. I could not care less whether all the actors are gay or straight. I wouldn't care to even know whether Peter, Edmund, Susan, or Lucy end up being gay or straight. Who cares?

I just want to see a flying, talking lion. And those beavers. :-)

3:20 AM

Blogger mtw said...

I wouldn't even care to know wheter the Beavers were married.

3:20 AM

Blogger volsfan said...


You are the one that cracks me up! I understand what you are saying but for too many people it is very important as to who is having sex with who (whom or WTF ever).

I hope you enjoy the flying, talking lions and those beavers as well!

HEHEHEHE! I said beaver!

8:14 AM

Blogger Sonya said...

Thanks, MTW. Although I would make it more comical than anything. LOL!


People are just idiots and that is all there is to it.

10:07 AM

Blogger mtw said...

Next tim I com to ur blog I wil lerm me how tu spel.

11:45 AM


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