Sunday, December 11, 2005

It is all about decisions

I am going to miserable while watching the season finale of Survivor tonight! My brother-in-law’s birthday was yesterday and we always go out to eat to the restaurant of the person’s choice. He has chosen my favorite Japanese place in town! Which means I will eat way too much food and will be bloated for my show.

We aren’t going to eat lunch and go to an early dinner. So, I should be home in time for Survivor. The biggest question is what I will get to eat. I love the soup and salad and I always get the soy dressing. I had shrimp for lunch yesterday so I am not so sure I will get it today. Decisions…decisions.

Speaking of decisions, I also have a huge one to make before going out to eat. I am on a Survivor fantasy team and we are currently in first place on the CBS website. We get bonus points for certain things each person does (but we have to narrow the things down to one per person). My dilemma is whether to pick “climb the ruins” or “first questioned at Tribal Council”. All season we have been getting a tremendous amount of points for “climb the ruins” but in the past couple of episodes they haven’t shown them doing it much. With tonight’s finale, we have the final four with three Tribal Councils. So, if I pick “first questioned at Tribal Council” I will get 3 bonus points (worth 40 points each) because it is guaranteed. However, one person could “climb the ruins” 3 or more times and I would get the same/if not more points. URGH!


Blogger mm said...

Can't help you with either choice, but have fun anyway!

11:58 AM

Blogger ~Nutz said...

Shocking, but true confessions!

I don't watch Survivor and never have.

I can't help you either, sorry.

As far as your dinner, do they have hibachi? If they do, go for that! That's my favorite!

12:17 PM

Blogger ukrocks said...

I watch Survivor if I get a chance. I watched last weeks Survivor episode and won't miss tonight's either. Not a big Survivor fan but I looked in spoilers and I think I know whose gonna win but I don't know about this decision. Good luck Vols!

12:50 PM

Blogger volsfan said...

MM, anytime food is involved...I have fun!

Nutz, *WHACK* for not watching Survivor.

Yes, they do have hibachi and I like it too but I am feeling freaky so I may try something totally new (or something I have never had).

UK yeah, I have been in spoilers too and I hope things pan out a little different than what is being speculated. We will see. Thanks!

1:10 PM


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