Monday, December 19, 2005

A weekend of partying

I don’t want to get into details but this weekend was a trying time for one of my best friends. Let’s just say that one of his friends had a terrible situation transpire that was an eye opening experience. There was a situation dealing with the date rape drug that almost had major life changing occurrences. We think everything is ok now but please know that “G” isn’t something to experiment with!

Thank goodness my best friend is knowledgeable on things like this!


Blogger Sonya said...

Poor Vols. Sorry you had to go through this.

10:50 AM

Blogger volsfan said...

It was an eye opening experience to say the least.

Do you know much about the date rape drug? I didn't until yesterday and I am absolutely amazed at what I learned. SCARY!

11:15 AM

Blogger ukrocks said...

Ohhh scary moment Vols, hope you are ok.

Hey, Vols, sudents should be learning about it in high school. I've heard about it, it can kill you on the spot. Its a pretty deadly drug, at least that what are health teacher said freshmen year. I don't think you want to see it at a party.

11:43 AM

Blogger volsfan said...

I didn't know that an ear dropper of the stuff is all the human body can handle in a two hour period. The person had over 4 droppers in a three hour period.

Unbelievable. I hope everyone is aware of the danger of such a drug.

11:50 AM

Blogger Sonya said...

Don't know much other than what I've heard on the news and it is a scary thing.

11:58 AM

Blogger Zombs said...

Is this a new date rape drug? Different from ruffies or whatever they used to be called?

Scary stuff.

2:26 PM

Blogger volsfan said...

It was GHP, I don't know if it is different or not.

2:32 PM

Blogger Seana said...

I watched a program where they put a great lot of water in a whole bunch of drinks in a short period with no-one any the wiser. Then the guy started chatting up a few of the girls. They all said how nice he was. Then they showed them the video of him doctoring their drinks.

I hope your friend is OK. That's a lot of dangerous stuff to be consuming. Scary indeed.

2:42 PM

Blogger volsfan said...

He is sort of back to feeling normal. I think yesterday was the recooping he needed and he is back in the swing of things today.

3:16 PM


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