Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Idiot alert!

Who are these idiots that I work with? Sometimes I wonder if I am actually working with humans or pods from Uranus.

There is a lady that I have been working closely with that doesn’t know any of today’s television shows, movies and/or stars. We were talking the other day about food and the Food Network. She said she watched the Food Network “all the time” and then I mentioned that I really really liked Alton Brown and Dave Lieberman. She had no clue who I was talking about….so she doesn’t watch the Food Network (much).

A little later we were talking about people doing really stupid stuff when they are high or drunk and I mentioned the incident with Matthew McConaughey…she again had no clue who he was. I tried to explain and she said that she hadn’t seen a movie in years. I thought ok…I can understand maybe that movies isn’t really her thing. As we continued, she let me in on a secret that she doesn’t like any movies that were made after the 1960s!

How the hell she can come to that conclusion without seeing the movies is beyond me butt is this woman for real?

I have seen Color Swatch Guy twice in the last week and we have been kidding around with each other…we will have to see where this is going.

Also, last night I had a dream that had me asking…WTF? I dreamed that I was in the Afghanistan Mountains with Anderson Cooper looking for Osama Bin Laden. WTF?


Blogger ukrocks said...

I have found out a lot about weird employees. We have this one employee who thought that College sports was a movie. And they don't know what cable is. Yeah its bad. They don't know what internet is either, I am like wow. People are weird.

9:56 PM

Blogger mm said...

You know, you have me on the edge of my seat, waiting to find out whether the "pinging" was justified or not.

*continues waiting*

4:32 AM

Blogger volsfan said...

I will get to the story MM!

9:26 PM

Blogger volsfan said...

boo, u havin trouble?

6:19 PM

Blogger ~Nutz said...

OMG! I can finally comment on your blog!! Wheeeeeee!

Sending *smooches* & {{{hugs}}} and hoping you have a wonderful holiday!

1:42 PM

Blogger Bravie said...

Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. *smooch*

8:25 AM

Blogger Paul said...

If it helps, I don't know who those folks are either. Then again, I don't even have cable. All I know is I used to think Rachael Ray was pretty nyesshh. Now, not so much.

Oh, well, I tried. Merry Christmas, Vols!

1:04 PM

Blogger Seana said...

Merry Christmas, vols!

Did you have fun going around looking at the lights? We did. I always remember that we share that tradition with you.


5:10 PM

Blogger Bravie said...

Merry Christmas, Doc.

9:20 AM


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