Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Why-oh-why can't she loose weight?

Just another weekend and start to another week! * YAWN *

My day job is really beginning to pick-up and I have been extremely busy. However, there is one thing that I have to get off my chest. Keep in mind…I know that I need to loose a few pounds and will be the first to tell you but I don’t go around complaining all the time.

A lady that I work with is constantly talking about how she HAS to lose weight and that she tries and tries but never can. Well, I am going to explain to you why she MIGHT not be losing weight but I won’t draw a picture…let’s see if you can figure it out.

SIDE NOTE: There is a young man that used to work in our department…actually he is on sick leave and has been gone since February of this year. In February the doctors found a huge tumor on his thigh and it was cancer. He has been through numerous rounds of treatment but seems to be doing much better. My department has been doing monthly fundraisers to help buy groceries and things that he and his wife and 2 children need just to survive.

Last week was the big push to get enough money to buy food for the family for Thanksgiving. The first two days of the week we all brought in baked goods for sale during breaks…we had two cakes sold by the slice, brownies, two types of fudge and home made caramel cookies (I have no idea who made them or what the recipe was butt they were deeelish!). Wednesday and Thursday were breakfast days and we had biscuits with jelly, and some biscuits with ham, bacon, sausage, egg/bacon/cheese, egg and hash browns. Friday we sold tickets for a drawing for a home made quilt. The week was a tremendous success as we raised over $750! We are all excited because we will be able to feed the family through Christmas. It is truly a blessing!

Back to big hips lady that HAS to lose weight. Well let’s see, here is what I witnessed her consume:

Monday Breakfast: Slice of cake and two brownies
Monday Lunch: Two huge pieces of fudge, a brownie and another slice of cake.
Tuesday Breakfast: Two brownies and a piece of fudge
Tuesday Lunch: A huge slice of cake and two more pieces of fudge (granite these were smaller than the one she ate for breakfast).
Wednesday Breakfast: Biscuit with no jelly and a sausage biscuit
Wednesday Lunch: Ham biscuit with jelly
Thursday Breakfast: Biscuit and jelly (she seemed to eat light)
Thursday Lunch: She ordered out for a quart of Sweet/Sour Soup (we had Chinese)
Friday Breakfast: She pulled two pieces of fudge from somewhere!
Friday Lunch: A burrito (we ordered Mexican)

I have no idea if she had any afternoon breaks, as my afternoons tend to get hectic and I am all over the place not in my department. However, do any of you have any idea why the hell she can’t lose weight?

OFFICE ROMANCE ALERT! Well almost…there is a guy in the building that just gets my engine running BIG time. The funny thing is that he isn’t what many of my friends would call “my type” butt there is just something about him. I can’t figure out if he is family because at times I get a vibe but other times I think my vibe is WAY off. For once, my gaydar batteries must be dead! So, I have to decide what to do from here…do you think this approach is too straightforward?

Me to cutie: Hello! How are you?
Cutie: Fine and you?
Me to cutie: I am doing fine…wanna fvck?


Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Yipe! I think she needs to keep a food diary! Maybe you can help her total up those calories. I mean, I have crappy willpower, but she must even be worse than me.

Now I want a piece of cake.

Good luck on the officemance!

12:57 PM

Blogger volsfan said...

Thanks Kim!

The lady cracked me up today...she asked me if I wanted to split a piece of chocolate cake. I didn't and have no idea if she ate the whole thing or found someone to share it with.

5:00 PM

Blogger Bravie said...

I think that approach would work fine. It's always worked on me.

6:19 PM

Blogger mm said...

Tell the lady that she doesn't have to change her eating habits, but she needs to step up her exercise routine to 7 hours a day.

Isn't there some kind of code you can use to find out if the guy is gay?

7:17 PM

Blogger volsfan said...

Carey, why did I know that approach worked on you? LMAO!

MM, my gaydar doesn't seem to be working to well right now. :(

6:07 PM

Blogger mm said...

Vols, I have a serious question for you. What are the odds that he is gay? Are there documented odds, or something in your experience that would tell you? I think it's interesting, because when I'm out and about, and see a good looking man, I *never* wonder if he's gay. I have zero gaydar, and the thought never even enters my mind, unless there is some blatant evidence of it (such as another man with him, in some major PDA, lol).

I was wondering how it is with you, and whether you usually assume one way or the other, based on stats. Any idea?

2:27 AM

Blogger Lasann said...

gobble gobble

10:51 AM

Blogger Puffy said...

Happy Turkey Day! How nice that you're all helping out the co-worker who is on sick leave.

11:25 AM

Blogger volsfan said...

MM, the guy has never really been seen with women (as in dating) and he is a huge family man as far as he loves his nephews (3 of them) with pictures up everywhere.

There is just this look that gay men give each other that just screams...I AM ONE TOO! This guy sometimes has that look but other times he just gives off nothing!

Puffy, the guy that has been on leave gets to return full time on Dec 4th! I am so happy for him and his family.


8:12 PM

Blogger kim (weltek) said...

*gasp* No Thanksgiving update?

11:50 AM


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