Sunday, July 30, 2006

I hate people

Well, this weekend was just plain awful! However, I did get some good news on Friday night.

I get off work on Friday and decide to go grocery shopping (as I didn’t have to work at Homo Depot) and I got lots of frozen meals because I only have about 25-30 mins through the week when I have to close at the depot. I came home and was putting up groceries when the phone rang. It was the HR department from Covenant Health and she offered me the job I had mentioned earlier. Of course, I took the job! I start on August 14th and am looking soooo forward to it.

Then things started going downhill from there. I had a couple of friends over to watch TV and just hang out. I had 3 vodka/waters and had a little buzz but was no way drunk. They left around midnight and I went to bed and fell sound asleep. Sound asleep for an hour and a half when I was awakened by terrible stomach cramps. I barely made it to the bathroom before…well it was ugly…let’s just say that. From 1:30am until 6:00am Saturday, I used 1 roll of toilet paper. Needless to say, I had to call in sick Saturday.

Today was a little better as I still had an upset stomach but no major attacks of where I had sprint to the toilet!

It is now official…I HATE PEOPLE!

This is going along the lines of the thresd Ukrocks posted on OT about little pet peeves as people were going through the checkout lane. Well, I know have my list of things that bother me about people visiting the paint department at your local Homo Depot.

*If you get something off the shelf and don’t want it…put it back where it belongs. This doesn’t mean to take it 3 feet down the aisle and push something else out of the way to place said item where it don’t belong.

*If you put something in your buggy from another department and decide you don’t want the item. DO NOT LEAVE IT IN THE PAINT DEPARTMENT! I am responsible for finding those items and returning them to the department they belong and tonight I found a broom, mop, clothes hangers, floor tiles, a 2X4, garden hose and an American flag. None of these things belong in the paint department and I don’t want to clean your fucking mess!

*When looking at the spray paints be sure to place the can back in the carton it came out of. This doesn’t mean to pick up the can, push the carton back, and then place the can in front of the carton. I have to find those and straighten them out as wall.

*Tonight was a perfect example of why my patience is being tested here. An elderly lady comes to the paint counter with fliers that she found in front of the concrete treatment products. She said she had some questions…it says here to do these three steps. Do I have to do all three steps or can I leave out a couple? I wanted to ask if she saw somewhere that it said certain steps could be “optional”. But I didn’t, I bit my tongue. However, while she was asking her 10 questions (that she could have found the answer on the flier) 4 customers came to the counter behind her waiting to get paint mixed.

*When trying to determine what color to paint something, do not come and ask my opinion of the color YOU chose. I do not have the same taste and can’t tell you to paint something one way if you don’t want it. You would be surprised of some of the questions I get asked and for the record…I don’t think a fluorescent purple would be a good color for a dean.

These are just a few and as you can see I got really urinated off tonight. The items that I mentioned were out of another department took me over 30 minutes of the 1 hour I get to close. I had to leave some of the things that were on my to do list because of IDIOTS that I hate.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

An informal poll...

Well, I did it…I started posting over at the other place (OT). I started a thread on Sunday (I think) about that damn commercial about HEADON. That damn thing gets on my last gay nerve. If you haven’t seen the commercial consider yourself very very lucky!

I have been working my butt off lately. I am really trying to make things work the best I can. I started a part-time job last week along with my full-time job just to try and make some money and get ahead for once. I am now the paint guy at Home Depot. I closed last night and spent 4 hours for the first time by myself. I was a little nervous at first but things went very well.


1) I was waiting on a gentleman that appeared to be in his 40s and he had spent some time picking out the exact color he wanted. As I was mixing the paint, I noticed a younger guy (teenager) had come up to the man and was carrying a puppy. The young guy was the man’s son and they were on their way home from picking up the puppy from its family. It was only 6 weeks old (the puppy) and was adorable. I played with the pup for a while, as I am sure she smelled Kahlua on me. Then, Kahlua sniffed for about an hour after I got home because she knew there was a new smell on me.
2) This next story was a little embarrassing at first but I thought I was going to have to help out the good-looking guy. A young couple appeared at the counter with a very attractive red-haired lady with a banging body standing by a Greek looking god of a male figure…I know I almost fell over when I saw him. But, there was something that just didn’t seem right. As time went on, I realized they were in an argument and the lady was getting the best of the guy. I approached the couple and asked if I could help them…the lady said something like “my useless husband would like 2 gallons of this color of paint”. The guy whipped back with “who brings home the money in the house”! Being the nosey ass person I am, I had to ease drop on them and I heard her tell him he wasn’t having sex for at least 3 weeks! I debated on whether or not to write on the paint label, “for a good time call volsfan at 555-5555” (of course using my real number).

Question: Should I use Home Depot to try and get a date with some of the hunky customers that I will be helping out?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


The fourth of July was very uneventful for my family and me. We cooked out on Sunday for dinner for our little get-together and we didn’t do anything today. I hope everyone had a safe and fun filled holiday.

My dad and I were talking over the weekend about coins lying around the house. Dad said that he had collected over $40 in change over the last week. It made me think of my coin jar I have in the laundry room as I put all excess change from pockets in the jar. I hadn’t counted the money in a while so I decided to count it today. I have $201 in dimes, nickels and quarters! I didn’t even count the pennies as the bank can use their little counter for that. However, I am in shock at the amount of coins that were here. Do you all have coins that need to be counted?