Wednesday, July 19, 2006

An informal poll...

Well, I did it…I started posting over at the other place (OT). I started a thread on Sunday (I think) about that damn commercial about HEADON. That damn thing gets on my last gay nerve. If you haven’t seen the commercial consider yourself very very lucky!

I have been working my butt off lately. I am really trying to make things work the best I can. I started a part-time job last week along with my full-time job just to try and make some money and get ahead for once. I am now the paint guy at Home Depot. I closed last night and spent 4 hours for the first time by myself. I was a little nervous at first but things went very well.


1) I was waiting on a gentleman that appeared to be in his 40s and he had spent some time picking out the exact color he wanted. As I was mixing the paint, I noticed a younger guy (teenager) had come up to the man and was carrying a puppy. The young guy was the man’s son and they were on their way home from picking up the puppy from its family. It was only 6 weeks old (the puppy) and was adorable. I played with the pup for a while, as I am sure she smelled Kahlua on me. Then, Kahlua sniffed for about an hour after I got home because she knew there was a new smell on me.
2) This next story was a little embarrassing at first but I thought I was going to have to help out the good-looking guy. A young couple appeared at the counter with a very attractive red-haired lady with a banging body standing by a Greek looking god of a male figure…I know I almost fell over when I saw him. But, there was something that just didn’t seem right. As time went on, I realized they were in an argument and the lady was getting the best of the guy. I approached the couple and asked if I could help them…the lady said something like “my useless husband would like 2 gallons of this color of paint”. The guy whipped back with “who brings home the money in the house”! Being the nosey ass person I am, I had to ease drop on them and I heard her tell him he wasn’t having sex for at least 3 weeks! I debated on whether or not to write on the paint label, “for a good time call volsfan at 555-5555” (of course using my real number).

Question: Should I use Home Depot to try and get a date with some of the hunky customers that I will be helping out?


Blogger ~Nutz said...

Sure! Why the hell not?

8:21 AM

Blogger HistoryDetective said...

Yeah, but do it in a way that it is the customer's idea, not you abusing your "authority" ...

8:43 AM

Blogger kim (weltek) said...

*snort* I like the way you think! Do you have to wear a HD smock to work? Maybe going pantsless would work....or would that be going to far?

Horray for PT jobs! And YAY when they are over. I feel both your joy and pain.

So, do you get a discount? You could do some fantastic remodeling. Oh, right, that would defeat the job purpose.

10:12 AM

Blogger ukrocks said...

Good to see ya Vols. Glad to hear your doing ok. Congrats on the PT job.

1:44 PM

Blogger mtw said...

Go ahead, but please don't try to convert the heteros. Even though many of us have BW's who use sex as a weapon, we are not at all likely to be receptive to *that* significant a change!

1:46 PM

Blogger volsfan said...

Nutz, I knew we would think alike *wink*

HD, I wouldn't be too aggressive. There was a gay couple came in Saturday that remembered meeting me years ago at a the hell I dunno. Then the lesbians invaded on Sunday...there were like 3 couples came through and of course we immediately bonded!

Kim, pantsless would be the way to go and I think it needs to be like a Friday or Tuesday. I do have to wear my apron when I am on the floor and may I say...I make orange look hott! We do not get a discount but we do get coupons periodically for 10-20% off.

UK, thanks!

MTW, I wouldn't try and convert any of the heteros...if there with a woman they have enough problems the way it is. HEHEHEHE!

10:36 PM

Blogger Puffy said...

Go for it! You're bound to meet some potentials guys, working in the paint department. Sounds like fun. And you got to see a cute little puppy, to boot!

7:33 PM

Blogger volsfan said...

Actually, I think I may have already met someone (HEHEHEHE!).

A guy came in last week and I thought my gaydar pinged big time. He had on jogging shorts and was a little on the bear side. He wasn't overweight but just stocky built and had some of the best legs I have seen in a while. He came back yesterday and we chatted for a while. He told me when he left that he had many projects in the works and would be seeing more of me.


9:38 PM

Blogger Puffy said...

Let's just hope that you're one of his projects!

4:30 PM

Blogger ~Nutz said...

Oooh! Cool! I was just coming here to see how things were going in the Ho Depot!

7:23 PM

Blogger volsfan said...

Going well Nutz...I had to close tonight and was hit with a married couple like 10 mins before closing. It helped that the guy was really hott or I would have been upset! HEHEHEHE!


10:44 PM

Blogger HistoryDetective said...

I wear my HD smock all the time, but it's more of a cloak. Or is that a cape?

9:23 AM

Blogger mm said...

Go Vols! *grin* Sounds fun. Maybe I should get a job at HD.

2:53 AM

Blogger volsfan said...

HD, you call that thing a smock?

MM, I can help with the training.


11:20 PM


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