Saturday, November 19, 2005

Turkey day is only 5 days away!

As the holiday season approaches, I am always bummed by this time of year but I am trying to not be such a stooge. Thanksgiving is a better holiday for me than Christmas and I think that is just because I am an adult. With Thanksgiving around the corner I was thinking about how we approach this time of year and how others may do things differently.

For Thanksgiving I always go to my parents early as I normally cook most if not all the veggies that we will have and the home yeast rolls. My mom is responsible for the turkey and the dressing with my sister making dessert. We have the parades and stuff like that on in the background and then football after that. I normally spend most of the day with my family (I have a sister that is married and has 3 boys).

Does your turkey day differ than mine by a lot? Does your family stuff the bird or do you have dressing as a side? Does your family go eat Chinese on Thanksgiving (I have a friend that does this and they do it for Christmas as well).


Blogger ~Nutz said...

Yay! You put in our bloggy links!

Anyway... I cook the whole thing! I don't mind really. I do the desserts the day before, then when the bird is cooking I do the sides. Veggies, taters, gravy & stuffing!

I think I might make a green bean casserole this year.

Stuffing is always on the side. I like it crispy not soggy and I usually bake it after it's cooked.

OMG! You're making me hungry!

(where is that pizza delivery guy?)

8:48 PM

Blogger Zombs said...

To combine your question from below, we go to my MIL house which is about 45 minutes away.

This year she invited my mother to come so it will be nice not having to go to two different places. T-day was always hard becasue we tried to go to MIL for dinner(huge dinner, 2 Turkeys all the trimmings, stuffing on the side...I make the sweet potatoes and apple pie among the other things that are brought, usussally around 25-30 people), then we would go to my sister for dessert(she is single and would have my mother and father only, other brother and family would stop by for dessert, other sister lives in GA) She decide to go to friends this year and that left just my mom(dad passed away 2 years ago) so she is coming with us.

Christmas is easier cause there are 2 days to celebrate!

10:07 PM

Blogger arkie said...

My dad smokes the turkey, and mom does all the other cooking. She says it just easier for her to do it, because her kitchen is not large enough for more than one person to be in there working. We usually eat around 2 or 3, and then just snack for supper.
We have dressing instead of stuffing.

12:03 AM

Blogger Rose said...

Dressing on the side, so I can burn the top in the oven..


The rest of the menu:
butternut squash casserole
green bean casserole (blech)
broccoli/cheese casserole (blech)
buttermilk smashed potatoes
artichoke dip
spinach dip

8:27 AM

Blogger momma said...

Don't get me started on Thanksgiving right now. DH may be working, the kids may be with their grandparents, and I may eat a frozen turkey dinner or some such shit.


Oh yeah, HI DOC!

10:51 AM

Blogger Bravie said...

I'm gonna miss my deep fried turkey this year. *pout*
Dad usually makes it and since he had his surgery we had to move TG to Michelle's parent's house and they don't know how to deep fry the turkey.

9:41 PM

Blogger Seana said...

Well, Thanksgiving is in October. :D

We usually go to my Dad's place. He and his GF make the meat and potatoes. There is turkey and stuffing (in the bird, but cooked to the right temp using a thermometer, sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes. My sisters and I make the rest. I was dessert this year, so I brought pumpkin pie, butterscotch pie and brownies for the non-pie crowd.

Middle sister brought stuffed mushrooms, beans and corn.

Youngest sister brought funky caesar salad.

This year we also went to my cousin's place for a quiet meal with her and her BF.

I really like the traditional meal. Sometimes at Dad's we do something weird, like the year we had BBQ'd tuna steaks.

10:32 PM

Blogger arkie said...

in the bird, but cooked to the right temp using a thermometer, sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes

Seana, how do you use sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes to cook the bird? *boggle*

10:38 PM

Blogger HistoryDetective said...

I haven't been "home" to my family for Thanksgiving in more than five years. It's just too far to drive and too hectic (and expensive) to fly for a big meal, especially when I know that I will be making the same trip less than a month later. I haven't done anything special for Thanksgiving the last couple of years because exBF had to work at the hospital. This year, I'm supposed to drive to Atlantic City and spend the holiday with LibraRising ... if I get my car fixed before then. *fingers crossed*

7:47 AM

Blogger mtw said...

We have potluck style Thanksgiving with my Dad's side of the family - 25 to 30 people. It rotates from house to house. This year we travel to my cousins. We'll bring pies (pecan, apple, pumpkin) and make gravy.

I'm considered the Thanksgiving guru; they consult me for tips. When we host, I prefer to make everything, but let others bring the extras I don't really care about so they feel like they're helping.

I've got the meal down to a science to the point I can actually enjoy the party while everything's cooking.

DW cleans up. She's so efficient, the house is clean and put back together before the guests get home.

4:16 AM

Blogger volsfan said...

I have an easy pecan pie recipe and it is deelish...just lemme know if you want it.

6:45 PM

Blogger Samantha said...

I would love the easy pecan pie recipe, especially if it was yummy! My daddy loves pecan pie.

7:32 PM


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