Thursday, November 17, 2005

I Want To Be A Scarecrow

One of our local television stations did a story on the theme park Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee and the attractions for the fall. One of the major attractions is the scarecrows they have throughout the park. Dollywood trains people on how to attract people as well as scare them. The local news station sent two of their reporters to go through the training and spend a day in the park while hidden cameras caught their antics.

The local reporters started their day in make-up and looked similar to the scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz. Then they stake out their territory in the park as they are instructed to stand perfectly still until someone shows interest in them. The reporters then proceeded to scare people in some way…jumping at them or screaming at them. People would jump and shout as they had no clue it was a real person.

I would love to do this! I absolutely take so much pride in my ability to scare the shit out of people (unlike some from that other place). Is this wicked of me? Should I strive to become a scarecrow?


Blogger ~Nutz said...

I say go for it! If it looks like something fun for you, you should do it!

We have a Six Flags nearby and I've always wanted to be a part of their Fright Fest! In October, they have all kinds of people dressed for Halloween all over the park. Many even perform in shows. I've always thought it would be hella fun to be a scary ghoul and jump out at unsuspecting people!

9:17 AM

Blogger mm said...

There was a guy in San Francisco who made his living doing this. He held a bush and crouched down behind something, then jumped out and growled as people walked by. Scared the crap out of them, including my mother. People would find a spot to sit nearby and just watch, then donate for the better ones. I love scaring people. If it makes us wicked, so be it. :)

11:52 AM


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