Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The mad house some people call a grocery store

I just thought of something I wanted to cook for tomorrow so I thought I would go get the stuff to make it. I went to the grocery store where there were hardly any parking spaces but I finally found one far from the door.

I went into said grocery store and found the isles full of families (like 3 and 4 people per cart) and could hardly make it through. I had to get three things and knew exactly where they were. I went to the speedy checkout lane where the guy at the register was wearing the tightest pants I think I have seen a man wear in years.

As he was ringing the things up I looked down just as he looked at me. I was caught looking at this guys crotch! He looked at me and smiled...I may have to visit more often!


Blogger volsfan said...

Well, the guy had the scruffy look going on as he hadn't shaved and his hair was all shuffled. It was just a look that did interest me.

I walked straight through the line as well even though it was crowded.

Why the heck had they run out of chopped broccoli?

7:19 PM

Blogger ~Nutz said...

See, there's an upside to everything!

Last night the store was a madhouse! Do you know, the express lane had the longest line? I went all the way to the other end of the registers and got on a line with only 2 people in front of me! One was almost done and the other had just a handbasket of items, so he was done quickly!

9:59 AM

Blogger volsfan said...

I get confused when you use "he" and "hand basket" in the same sentence!

8:25 AM


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