Friday, January 13, 2006

Just another Friday

I have been on the go today but got home and wanted to update to fill you all in on what has been going on.

Mom and dad were in town today and I met them and we ate at Chili’s. This is the Chili’s that I used to go to back in my partying days. I would go out drinking at least 3-4 nights a week and knew everyone that worked in the place…even the cooks! I could also call ahead on a busy Friday/Saturday night to let them know I was on my way and there would be a bar stool and a gin/tonic waiting when I arrived. Yes, I said gin Arkie! I used to love gin and tonic with a lemon but one bad experience and the taste of pine needles for 3 days made me switch to vodka. I will sometime have to tell you the night I tried every single “specialty” margaritas (I think there were 10). I would go into detail here but it gives me a headache just to think of it!

After lunch we went over to Borders books and I found a DVD of Blind Date Uncensored (Deluxe Edition) for $2.99. I HAD TO HAVE IT! I got home and immediately had to watch it. It was about 1 hour and a half long and had me in stitches many times. The uncensored part is they leave in all curse words but the best part was the nudity. I was very surprised at how male nudity there was in the DVD but it was some good stuff! I could make a whole post on the review of this DVD but will spare you for now.

After that we went to the hospital to visit an uncle of mine. He is 84 and has been in the hospital four times over the past year and each time they say he isn’t going to make it. He has pneumonia and this one did just about get him. He is very weak and the doctors have said there isn’t anything left for them to do. It is just a matter of time. We will see.



Blogger ukrocks said...

Looks like you had a busy day. I'll keep your uncle in my thoughts and prayers.

6:11 PM

Blogger volsfan said...

Thanks UK, I appreciate it!

6:20 PM

Blogger ~Nutz said...

{{{hugs}}} for you and your uncle. When my grandma got sick the first time, it was October. They didn't hold out hope for her then. Her kidneys were failing. She lasted until July, but was in and out of the hospital. We were greatful to have that extra time with her. She led a long, happy life until 91 years old.

6:37 PM

Blogger volsfan said...

At 84, this is the longest any of my dad's siblings have lived. My cousins are handling it very well but I think they are just glad he still has "mind" so to speak.

He recognizes them and can give one and two word answers.

6:43 PM

Blogger ~Nutz said...

My dad's brothers all died fairly young. One at 39, one at 47 (both of heart attacks) and the last one at 63 (don't remember why). I was lucky to have my dad until he was 74. He also had heart problems, plus he smoked and drank all his life!

6:50 PM

Blogger volsfan said...

My dad has had three heart attacks but he hasn't had any problems since 2001.

My dad turned 70 last Octocber.

7:04 PM

Blogger ~Nutz said...

That's a good sign! My dad had several years (14, I think) that he had no problems! He went for lots of checkups, kept up with his medication, changed his diet and stopped drinking.

7:21 PM

Blogger ukrocks said...

I lost my grandfather in March of 2001. And my Mom lost one of her sisters July of 2004 because of breast cance and diabeties.

10:00 PM


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